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Ryan Canales

PhD Student

Computer Science

Visual Computing Division

Clemson University


I am currently a fourth year PhD candidate in Computer Science at Clemson University. As a researcher, I have worked on interdisciplinary projects that cover character animation, machine learning, and human perception


As a first generation college student, I have experienced social and financial struggles throughout my academic career. From my own experiences and the experiences of others, I learned that many challenges remain in making American higher education accessible and welcoming to people from less advantaged backgrounds. This has inspired me to get involved in encouraging other underrepresented students to pursue higher education.  To this end, I have volunteered several times in Clemson's STEM All-In program, an initiative for increasing diversity in STEM related graduate education. 

Research Interests

  • Machine learning and virtual agents

  • Computer graphics and character animation

  • Virtual reality and human-computer interaction

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